The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
WWF understands that conservation and regeneration are about people, their behavior, and their attitude towards nature. The decisions people take in making efforts to conserve nature are highly interlinked with culture, wealth, ethnicity, religion, and gender. This complex system of beliefs and values can create connections - but also disputes - between people. To ensure the protection of both people and nature, our social policies guide all WWF activities. The three policies are described in more detail below.
Many of the world’s most precious natural areas are under threat, but they are also home to rural communities and Indigenous Peoples whose livelihoods and cultures are closely dependent on the natural environment. Therefore the success of our work depends on the degree to which it contributes to the maintenance and preservation of biodiversity; and to the well-being of the people and communities that live in, or rely on them. Our social policies guide us towards this goal.
What ARE our social policies?
Our social policies outline a set of social commitments and principles that give guidance for the implementation of our conservation agenda, partnerships, communications and policy advocacy.
Download overview
While the protection of human rights lies with governments (i.e. as the ‘duty-bearer’), WWF recognizes that businesses and organizations, including ours, have an important role in contributing to positive human rights outcomes. WWF is committed to respecting and promoting internationally proclaimed human rights as contained in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Human rights recur in various standards we commit to as an organization. It forms part of our network’s core standards and informs everything that we do. The implementation of our commitment to human rights is driven by 7 guiding principles. Download the full policy to learn more.
Our gender policy statement signifies our ongoing commitment to equity and integrating a gender perspective in our policies, programs, and projects, as well as in our institutional structure. WWF recognizes the importance of promoting gender equality across the entire organization. WWF wants to contribute to a society in which women, men, boys, girls, and people of other gender minorities, have access to the same opportunities, rights, and obligations in all spheres of life. It is part of our broader commitment to strengthen the social dimensions of our projects, programs, and policy work. Download the full policy to learn more.
WWF’s Indigenous Peoples and Conservation Policy Statement reflects our dedication to respecting the human and development rights of Indigenous Peoples. The close ties of Indigenous Peoples with their customary lands, waters, and natural resources are particularly relevant for conservation organizations, leading to recognition of Indigenous Peoples as important stewards of high-biodiversity areas. The policy statement helps to strengthen our respect, recognition, and protection of the distinct and differentiated rights of Indigenous Peoples, including the equal roles and rights of women and youths within those peoples. We are learning from Indigenous Peoples and partnering with them in order to conserve the local communities. Download the full policy to learn more.
DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTWWF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards and Social Policies are extensive and cover many different topics. Below you can find six topics that are frequently searched for.

Indigenous Peoples and Free, Prior and Informed Consent
The rights of Indigenous Peoples to give or withhold their consent to actions that will affect them.

Human rights

Law enforcement

Excluded Activities

Grievance Mechanisms

Gender Equality