WWF's exclusions list

This list outlines activities that WWF prohibits from its activities or funding. WWF does not permit project fund expenditures in any of the following activities:

  • Weapons and munitions
  • Military activities
  • Child/forced labor
  • Formulated WHO classes IA and IB products 
  • Persistent organic pollutants specified under the Stockholm Convention
  • Conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats
  • Invasive species
  • Involuntary resettlement

The Exclusion List provides further context on some of the prohibitions through footnotes, particularly for Weapons and Munitions, where ranger and/or staff safety are important factors.   

What to read

More information about the WWF exclusion list can be found in the ESSF Document and in the Exclusion list of the ESSF. Both documents can be downloaded below.


WWF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards and Social Policies are extensive and cover many different topics. Below you can find six topics that are frequently searched for.

Indigenous Peoples and Free, Prior and Informed Consent

The rights of Indigenous Peoples to give or withhold their consent to actions that will affect them.

Human rights

We have several policies and standards in place to ensure the protection and promotion of human rights across all WWF activities.

Law enforcement

Conservation law enforcement is carried out by WWF partners. To ensure this is done ethically and in line with international law, we have several protocols in place in the landscapes/projects we work on.

Excluded Activities

This list outlines activities that WWF prohibits from its activities or funding.

Grievance Mechanisms

WWF is committed to strengthening its accountability towards the communities we work with. This page outlines our approach to ensure these communities can raise their concerns or express complaints about unintended negative impacts from our work and seek resolution. 

Gender Equality

WWF recognizes the importance of promoting gender equality across the entire organization and applying its principles to all our work. Our gender policy guides this effort.